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The application programmer
supplies PARAMETER definitions for the following:
- The dimensions of the (N-dimensional) grid.
- The width of the ghost boundary. (This width cannot
be larger than the size of a local section.)
- The dimensions of the process grid (i.e., how many
grid processes are to be used).
This is done by modifying the archetype-supplied INCLUDE file
mesh_uparms.h; see comments in the file for additional
The archetype uses these definitions to declare additional
- The dimensions of a local section.
- Index ranges for a local section, including ghost
These PARAMETERs should be used to work with grid-based data --
for declarations, loop bounds, etc.
See comments in the INCLUDE file mesh_parms.h for more
For example, to distribute a grid of dimensions
1000 by 1000 by 1000 over a process grid of dimensions 2 by 2 by 2
(8 grid processes in all), for a computation in which new values for
grid variables require values at nearest-neighbor points only,
the application programmer would define:
- Grid dimensions NX=1000, NY=1000, and
- Ghost boundary NGHOST=1.
- Process grid dimensions XPROCS=2, YPROCS=2,
and ZPROCS=2.
Berna L Massingill
Mon Jun 8 19:35:58 PDT 1998