Welcome to the digital newsletter from the University of Florida Department of Computer & Information Science & Engineering (CISE). Each semester, you will receive an email highlighting department updates and successes. We look forward to connecting with you.

Message from the Chair
We are proud to share with you this summary of CISE news and events that have stood out in the last few months. >>>
Juan E. Gilbert, Ph.D.
The Banks Family Preeminence Endowed Professor
CISE Department Chair
$1.2 Million NSF Grant
Christina Boucher, Ph.D., an associate professor, received a $1.2M grant from the NSF to develop a set of algorithms and an app that will allow health officials to test and analyze biological samples for antibiotic resistance in rural areas.
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New Faculty Hires
The UF CISE department announces the arrival of three assistant professors. Our new faculty, James Fairbanks, Ph.D., Kiley Graim, Ph.D., and Sara Rampazzi, Ph.D., will begin in January 2021.
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AI for K-12 Initiative
Christina Gardner-McCune, Ph.D., an associate professor, is working on a project to develop an artificial intelligence (AI) curriculum for grades K-12.
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$70 Million AI Partnership
Over the summer, the University of Florida announced a $70 million artificial intelligence public-private partnership with NVIDIA.
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Academia Europaea
Abdelsalam (Sumi) Helal, Ph.D., a professor, was recently elected as a member of the Academia Europaea, the European equivalent to the American Academy of Science.
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Safe Ticketing Technology
Juan E. Gilbert, Ph.D., department chair, created a free software, the Inline Ticketing System, that allows people to hold their spot in line at places like COVID-19 testing sites without risking their health.
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Google Ph.D. Fellowship
Brendan David-John, a Ph.D. student, was recently named a Google Ph.D. Fellowship recipient under the area of Human-Computer Interaction
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Alumni Spotlight
Chunbo “Chuck” Huang, Ph.D., (Ph.D. CE ’00), recalls his time at UF and shares why he founded his business, Citcon, a technology company.
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Please visit coronavirus.ufl.edu for complete information on the University of Florida’s response to COVID-19.