Helal Named 2015 IEEE Fellow
Sumi Helal, Ph.D., a professor at CISE, has been named 2015 IEEE Fellow. He is being recognized for his contributions to Mobile and Pervasive Computing Systems. The IEEE Grade of…
Technology Pioneered by Dr. Juan Gilbert Provides Improved Access for Disabled Voters
A University of Florida researcher’s desire to provide citizens with disabilities the same opportunity to vote as everyone else could serve as the catalyst for revolutionizing voter access nationwide. Juan…
Intel Promotes Success of Collaboration with UF’s Natural User Interaction Studies
A marketing document for Intel distributed recently showcases the technical momentum taking place at the University of Florida (UF). The UF Department Computer & Information Science & Engineering and the…
CISE Computer Graphics Wins Best Paper Award
SurfLab, CISE’s computer graphics research group, received the best paper award (1st prize) of the 2014 Symposium on Solid and Physical Modeling (formerly ACM Solid Modelling) in Hong Kong for…
Mobile Health Apps Win Two Prestigious International Awards
Ahmed Helmy, Ph.D., CISE professor, and his son, Amir Helmy (13 yrs), Eastside High School, developed two award-winning mobile apps for healthcare called Seizario and HeartEra. Seizario detects epileptic seizures…
Gilbert’s Voting Technology Piloted in New Hampshire
Professor Juan Gilbert’s Prime III voting system (www.PrimeVotingSystem.com) will be used as a pilot on Sept. 9 in Nashua, N.H. After a recent meeting with New Hampshire’s Secretary of State,…
Two Faculty Join the Institute for Child Health Policy
Sanjay Ranka, Ph.D.,professor, and Daisy Zhe Wang, Ph.D., assistant professor, have been named affiliate faculty members of the College of Medicine’s Institute for Child Health Policy. The institute focuses on…
Paper included in the “25 years of International Conference on Supercomputing”
Dr. Jih-Kwon Peir’s paper entitled “Bloom Filtering Cache Misses for Accurate Data Speculation and Prefetching” co-authored with S. Lai, S. Lu, J. Stark, and K. Lai has been included in…
CISE Ph.D. Student Wins Best Paper Award at Conference
Junjie Li’s paper wins the best paper award at the 6th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (BICoB) in Las Vegas. “Optimal Alignment of Three Sequences on a GPU”…
Outreach Day Gives Middle School Girls a Look at Computer Science
The CISE department’s student-run organization WiCSE (Women in Computer Science and Engineering) led an outreach day on March 25 for middle school girls. The girls were attending a week-long spring…