Past Events

Fall 2020 Career Showcase Fall 2020 Career Showcase
09/21/2020 - 09/24/2020, 9:00 am - 4:00 pm

655 Reitz Union Drive, Gainesville, FL, 32611

The largest career fair in the southeast, Career Showcase will offer students a four-day experience to meet with employers from a variety of industries. Non-technical days will take place on...
Fall 2020 CISE Career Fair Fall 2020 CISE Career Fair
09/14/2020, 10:00 am - 6:00 pm

Looking for a job or internship? Join us at the Fall 2020 CISE Career Fair for an afternoon of interviews and networking.
UF Affiliated CHI 2020 Presentations (Virtual) UF Affiliated CHI 2020 Presentations (Virtual)
05/12/2020, 11:00 am - 1:30 pm

Title: UF Affiliated CHI 2020 Presentations (Virtual) Topic: University of Florida Affiliated CHI 2020 Presentations Link:
Infotech Speaker Series: Carolina Cruz-Neira, Ph.D. Infotech Speaker Series: Carolina Cruz-Neira, Ph.D.
02/27/2020, 11:00 am - 12:00 pm

655 Reitz Union Drive, Gainesville, FL, 32611

Title: Virtual Reality as the New Innovation Engine
CISE Colloquium: Nicola Bombieri, Ph.D., and Graziano Pravadelli, Ph.D. CISE Colloquium: Nicola Bombieri, Ph.D., and Graziano Pravadelli, Ph.D.
02/05/2020, 10:00 am - 11:00 am

432 Newell Drive, Rom 404 CSE Building, Gainesville, FL, 32611

Title: Virtual Coaching for Empowering Pre-Frail Elderly in Daily-Life Activities
Infotech Speaker Series: Vipin Kumar, Ph.D. Infotech Speaker Series: Vipin Kumar, Ph.D.
01/30/2020, 11:00 am - 12:00 pm

655 Reitz Union Drive, Gainesville, FL, 32611

Title: Physics Guided Machine Learning: A New Framework for Accelerating Scientific Discovery
Spring 2020 CISE Career Fair Spring 2020 CISE Career Fair
01/23/2020, 1:00 pm - 6:00 pm

655 Reitz Union Drive, Gainesville, FL, 32611

Looking for a job or internship? Join us at the Spring 2020 CISE Career Fair for an afternoon of interviews and networking.
Faculty Search Committee Meeting
12/16/2019, 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm

432 Newell Drive, Gainesville, FL, 32611

Discussion of faculty search candidates.
Faculty Search Committee Meeting
12/16/2019, 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

432 Newell Drive, Gainesville, FL, 32611

Discussion of faculty search candidates.
Search Committee Meeting
12/09/2019, 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm

432 Newell Drive, Gainesville, FL, 32611

Faculty Search Committee Meeting regarding the following position: Assistant, Associate or Full Professor - CISE Engineering General, requisition 37492.
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