
Will Apply Master’s Webinar

Zoom Webinars

10/27/2020 @ 9:00 am – 11:00 am – Register for this event here. Attendees: Mike Nazareth, Director of Graduate Recruiting Brittany Boyer, Program Coordinator of Graduate Recruiting

Your Search Algorithm is Political

Safiya Noble

10/21/2020 @ 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm – Artificial intelligence is a human rights issue in the 21st century. Data scientists and engineers work outside the context of the civil and human rights abuses that algorithms foster. STEM education provides little engagement with issues giving future developers tools or stake in these issues. In this talk, Safiya Noble, Assistant Professor in the Annenberg […]

Will Apply Ph.D. Webinar

Will Apply Ph.D. Webinar

10/15/2020 @ 4:00 pm – 5:00 pm – Register for this event here. Attendees: Mike Nazareth, Director of Graduate Recruiting Brittany Boyer, Program Coordinator of Graduate Recruiting

Women in IoT (WiT): Leading Through Change

Women in IoT

10/12/2020 @ 1:00 pm – 5:00 pm – Delivery: Via Zoom (Registered attendees will be emailed the access information) Student Poster Session Session Information 2020 Co-Chairs: Janise McNair, ECE, University of Florida My T Thai, CISE, University of Florida Organizing Committee: Liting Hu, CS, Florida International University Janise McNair, ECE, University of Florida Tempestt Neal, CIS, University of South Florida My Thai, CISE, University of Florida […]

Herbert Wertheim College of Engineering Ace An Interview: Joined by alumni.

HWCOE Interview Day

10/07/2020 @ 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm – Come and join in us and alumni from the industry to learn how to ace in an interview, how to prepare for a virtual interview, how to address some of the commonly asked questions in an interview, how to speak to the people in the room, and present yourself as the best candidate. Register here: