Date: March 2, 2018
Time: 9:35 AM - 10:55 AM
432 Newell Drive, Gainesville, FL, 32611
Host: UF CISE Department
Admission: This event is free and open to the public.
Designing for Healthcare Journeys – Understanding Engagement With mHealth Technologies
Abstract: There has been an explosion in the use of mobile devices over the past two decades. As these devices become cheaper, more powerful, more intelligent, and more usable, they are increasingly influencing many aspects of our lives on a daily basis. An ongoing challenge is how to design mobile technologies that people can meaningfully and efficiently use throughout different everyday contexts.
One of the most exciting opportunities for mobile technologies moving forward is the integration of mobile devices into patient facing healthcare. Supporting the patient outside of the clinic with the goal of increasing patient engagement with their health, improving healthcare delivery, and encouraging everyday health and wellness has the potential to transform not only the way that healthcare is delivered but also the way mobile devices are utilized on a fundamental level.
In this talk, I will describe over a decade of research exploring how people engage with mobile and wearable technologies, investigating the possibility for these technologies to have a profound impact on chronic disease management, and understanding the potential for long term sustainability and adoption of mobile devices into everyday health and wellness activities.
Biography: With a background in wearable, on-body, and mobile human computer interaction (HCI), James Clawson designs, deploys, and evaluates mobile and wearable systems that address complex health challenges. He takes a mixed methods human-centered approach to designing and deploying novel interactive prototypes that he evaluates both in the laboratory and in long-term “in-the- wild” studies. As an assistant professor at Indiana University he is a member of the Proactive Health group and the director of the Healthcare Journeys lab. James and his students design, deploy, and evaluate technologies that provide holistic support to individuals over the course of a healthcare journey induced by an identity-shifting major life event (cancer, pregnancy, grief, etc.).