Congratulations to Yerika Jimenez, a CISE Ph.D. student, for winning the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship.
Ph.D. Student Wins the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship

Congratulations to Yerika Jimenez, a CISE Ph.D. student, for winning the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship.
The University of Florida Research Foundation has named 34 faculty members as UFRF Professors for 2016-2019. The recognition goes to faculty who have a distinguished current record of research and a strong research agenda that is likely to lead to… Read More
CISE Ph.D. student Yuanwen Huang and his advisor Prabhat Mishra won the Best Paper Award at the IEEE International Symposium on Quality Electronic Design (ISQED 2016) for their paper entitled “Reliability and Energy-aware Cache Reconfiguration for Embedded Systems.” This paper has developed… Read More
We live in a world where massive amounts of data are currently available to us. In 2013, the size of the digital universe was estimated to be near 5 zettabytes (1 zettabyte = 1 million terabytes) and is expected to… Read More
The world of autonomous vehicles is rapidly changing, and what was once a dream in various science fiction films is inching closer and closer to reality. Many companies, such as Google and Tesla, are publicly working on autonomous vehicles, but… Read More