Dr. Gerhard X. Ritter, CISE Professor Emeritus and former department chair, was an plenary keynote speaker at the 19th Iboamerican Congress on Pattern Recognition (CIARP 2014) in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. This annual conference was held November 2-5, 2014. The title… Read More
CISE Optima Network Science Wins Best Paper Award

OptNetSci, UF’s Optima Network Science research group, won the best paper award at the IEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad-hoc and Sensor Networks (MSN) in Maui, Hawaii, December 2014, for the paper entitled “Online Algorithms for Optimal Resource Management in… Read More
Students Get Early Glimpse at the Joy of Computer Coding

To get kids interested in complicated subjects like computer science, sometimes all they need is a taste of the real thing. That’s the thinking behind Hour of Code, a program designed to expose students to computer science early and encourage… Read More
Human-Centered Computer Graphics at CISE
When you watch funny Youtube videos, how does your heart rate vary? When you build Legos, where do you get stuck? When you search for camouflaged animals, what are your gaze patterns like? Questions such as these were transformed into… Read More
Helal Named 2015 IEEE Fellow
Sumi Helal, Ph.D., a professor at CISE, has been named 2015 IEEE Fellow. He is being recognized for his contributions to Mobile and Pervasive Computing Systems. The IEEE Grade of Fellow is conferred by the IEEE Board of Directors upon… Read More