About the IAB
Committee Structure
- Chair: Joseph Cutrono
- Vice Chair: Michael Parrish
- CISE Faculty Representative: Dr. Juan E. Gilbert
- Past chairs: Jack Needham, Harris; Gene Matter, Intel; Rhonda Holt, AT&T
- Past co-chairs: Jan Jackman, IBM; Darla Morse, Disney; Johnny Morgan, Lockheed Martin.
Benefits of Joining
The Industry Advisory Board (IAB) represents a confluence of cooperative academic and industry interests. The following is a partial list of benefits to be obtained by both parties.
Benefits to Industry
- Access to Students: Unique and expeditious connection to our students at all levels long before the normal recruiting phase (senior year (BS), MS and Ph.D. students).
- Access to Student Interest Information Forms and resumes.
- Opportunity to interact closely with faculty, students and peer industrial members during semi-annual meetings (one in the Spring and one in the Fall).
- Receiving CO-OP and intern students.
- Working with CISE faculty on research projects and research proposals.
- Ability to influence the academic curriculum to better serve industry needs.
- Receiving faculty for lectures and short courses on topics of importance to your company.
- Network with other industry representatives.
- An opportunity to interact with comments and recommendations on internal department committee agendas (Facilities, Curriculum as two examples).
Benefits to CISE Department
- Opportunity for faculty to stay in touch with real-world industrial technical problems and solutions.
- Interaction of industrial participants in CISE research projects.
- Working jointly with industry on grant proposals to the Federal Government.
- Donation(s) of equipment, software or funds to aid in better teaching and research. Receiving guest lecturers from industry in courses and in the Colloquium Series.
- Validation of the direction and value of the CISE curriculum.
- Ensuring continued ABET accreditation.