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G2V2: Geometry, Graphics, Vision, Visualization Seminar | ||||||||||||
Term: Spring 2006
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Time: Fridays @1:55pm (unless otherwise mentioned) | ||||||||||||
Location: CSE 404 (unless otherwise mentioned) | ||||||||||||
Spring 06 Coordinators: Meera Sitharam and Alper Üngör | ||||||||||||
G2V2 Group: A loosely knit, informal group including at least (currently) the following CISE faculty and their graduate students.
goals | schedule | references | previous years |
Date | Location | X-listed | Speaker | Title |
Jan 27 Fri @1:55pm | CSE 404 | G2V2 | Scooter Willis CISE, UF | Using XML, XPATH and X3D to render protein ribbon models |
Feb 17 Fri @1:55pm | CSE 404 | G2V2 | Heping Gao | Which 2-D underconstrained mechanisms have a configuration space that is linear polytope? |
Feb 20 @4pm | McKnight Brain Inst. LG-101A | CSB | Reidun Twarock | Structure and Assembly of Viruses via Viral Tiling Theory |
Feb 24 Fri @4:00pm | CSE 119 | Barr | Jerry L. Prince Johns Hopkins | Tracking three-dimensional motion in the heart using zHARP |
Mar 3 Fri @1:55pm | CSE 404 | G2V2 | Andrew Raij CISE, UF | Interpersonal Scenarios: Virtual $\approx$ Real? |
Mar 6 Fri 9:35 | CSE 404 | FC | Scott Schaeffer Rice U. | Intuitive Methods for 3D Shape Deformation |
Mar 10 Fri @1:55pm | CSE 404 | G2V2 | Henry Hess MSE, UF | Biomolecular Motors: Engines for Nanotechnology |
Mar 17 Fri |   | SPRING BREAK | ||
Mar 23 Th @1:55pm | CSE 404 | G2V2 | Andrew Raij CISE, UF | Interpersonal Scenarios: Virtual $\approx$ Real? (cont.) |
Mar 30 Th @? | CSE 404 | G2V2 | Sariel Har-Peled CS, UIUC | On Low Dimensional CoreSets |
Mar 31 Fri @1:55pm | CSE 404 | CISE | Holger Gohlke Univ. of Frankfurt | Modeling macromolecular flexibility and plasticity |
Apr 4 Tu @3pm | CSE 404 | G2V2 | Uli Reif Darmstadt | Analysis of the Four-Point Scheme |
Apr 14 Fri @1:55pm | CSE 404 | G2V2 | Xiyong Wang CISE, UF | Kalman filter, SCAAT and camera-based tracking |
Apr 28 Fri |   | FINAL EXAMS WEEK |
Using XML, XPATH and X3D to render protein ribbon models
by Scooter WillisThis presentation will provide an overview of creating ribbon models of proteins using the XML version of PDB data derived from X-Ray crystallography or NMR. Numerous open source programs exist to render and display 3D representations of proteins and are the primary source for visualization. Traditionally PDB data has been available in complex legacy flat files which has forced a dependency on a few of these mainstream programs to work with the 3D structures. For the researcher who wants to annotate or work with the protein 3D models they have limited options to modify the models or create their own. The PDB data has been released in an XML format which allows the use of XPATH to easily query the appropriate data and build a 3D representation of the protein. An overview will be provided of key data points in a protein structure to render 3D models. X3D is the XML version of VRML which makes it very easy to create complex 3D objects. The techniques required to take protein 3D data to create a 3D ribbon model will be reviewed in detail.
Which 2-D underconstrained mechanisms have a configuration space that is linear polytope?
by Heping Gao, CISE, UFIn Geometric Constraint Problem, the input is a set of geometric objects (points, lines, faces and etc.) and constraints (distance, angles and etc.) between these geometry objects while the ouput is the existence and/or description of real solutions. Here, our discussion is restricted to 2-D distance underconstrained systems in which the only type of constraints are distances between points. By 2-D distance underconstrained system, we mean a 2-D distance constraint system whose constrained graph G=
satisfies: (1). |E| < 2*|V|-3; (2). For any subgraph G'= of G, |E'|<=2*|V|-3. A 2-D distance underconstrained system may have infinitely many different 2-D realizations modulo transmission and rotation, so our task is to decide whether the system has real solutions and describe the solution or configuration space if there is any. One way to do that is to add some edges (we call Completion Edge) to the underconstrained graph to get a wellconstrained graph, and find all the possible values of the completion edges which makes the input system have at least one real embedding. We ask the question, for what type of graphs we can describe the possible values of the completion edges by a fixed set of linear equations/inequalities(LD) in terms of the given distance values. Here, by ``fixed'', we mean depending only on the graph and the chosen completion. In our talk, we will give the characterization of this type of graphs. If time permits, we will also show that they turn out to be equivalent to a well-studied class of graphs arising in other apparently unrelated situations (partial 2-trees, series-parallel graphs). Our proof yields an alternative proof of another known result about these graphs - showing they are exactly the so-called 2-realizable graphs. We also study alternative descriptions of the configuration space and show that loosening the description of the configuration space does not give a larger class of graphs. Finally, we give other nice properties of graphs that have this type of configuration space description - for example, the set of *given* distance values for which a solution exists is also a linear polytope.
Tracking three-dimensional motion in the heart using zHARP
by Jerry L. Prince, Johns HopkinsThree-dimensional imaging and quantification of heart muscle function are essential steps in the evaluation of heart disease. Tagged magnetic resonance imaging noninvasively places a pattern of magnetization in the body that facilitates tracking the heart muscle using postprocessing algorithms. zHARP uses both tag and phase encode pulses in order to encode the motion of all the points in an image slice; images are then acquired in no more time than it takes to acquire a standard CSPAMM image sequence. Postprocessing unambiguously tracks the three-dimensional motion of every point in an image plane through an entire image sequence. Tracked points do not experience errors due to phase inhomogeneities in the receiver coils and have minimal artifacts from tag pattern spectral peak interference. Experimental results will be shown, including a phantom validation experiment comparing zHARP to phase contrast imaging and an in vivo study of a normal human volunteer. These results demonstrate that the simultaneous extraction of both in- and through-plane displacements from tagged images is feasible.
Intuitive Methods for 3D Shape Deformation
by Scott Schaefer Rice UniversityDeformation is a key component in many applications including virtual surgical simulation and the animation of digital characters in the movie industry. Previous deformation methods have led to non-intuitive ways of specifying the deformation or have been too expensive to compute in real-time. This talk will focus on three methods we have developed for creating intuitive deformations of 3D shapes. The first method is a new, smooth volumetric subdivision scheme that allows the user to specify deformations using conforming collections of tetrahedra, which generalizes the widely used Free-Form Deformation method. The next technique extends a fundamental interpolant in Computer Graphics called Barycentric Coordinates and lets the user manipulate low-resolution polygon meshes to control deformations of high-resolution shapes. Finally, the talk will conclude with some of our recent work on creating deformations described by collections of points using a technique called Moving Least Squares.
Biomolecular Motors: Engines for Nanotechnology
by Henry Hess, Dep. of Materials Science and Eng, UFActive, energy-consuming transport processes on the micro- and nanoscale are widely used by nature in biological nanofluidics and the self-assembly of geometrically complex subcellular structures and materials. Biomolecular motors, such as the motor proteins kinesin and myosin, play a central role in many of these transport and assembly processes, since they are able to efficiently convert chemical energy into mechanical work using ATP as fuel. Mimicking these biological active transport processes can lead to major advances in nanotechnology by enabling a variety of new approaches to sensor design and materials assembly. However, critical components, such as molecular motors with high functionality, cannot be synthesized at this point. We have chosen to circumvent this roadblock by building hybrid devices, which integrate nanomachines of biological origin into synthetic environments. For example, we designed "molecular shuttles", a nanoscale transport system integrating kinesin motor proteins as engines and filamentous microtubules as cargo-carrying units. Critical advances have been made in guiding these shuttles along microfabricated tracks, controlling their geometry, speed, and selectively loading them with cargo, and we will describe our progress regarding these technical including geometric aspects. These advances allow us to tackle a number of new applications, most notably the bottom-up assembly of new nanostructures and the integration of molecular-scale transport into biosensing. With regard to assembly, the combination of reversible cross-linkers and directed force generation leads to the formation of geometrically highly regular mesoscopic structures.
H. Hess, G. D. Bachand, and V. Vogel. 2004. Powering Nanodevices with Biomolecular Motors. Chemistry - A European Journal, 10:2110-2116.
On Low Dimensional Core-sets
by Sariel Har-Peled University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC)In this talk we will review some low-dimension geometric approximation algorithms that work by extracting a small subset of the input, and performing the computation on this small subset. Such subsets, referred to as coresets, had emerged as a powerful tool, and we will survey some of the resulting algorithms and future challenges associated with coresets.
Modeling macromolecular flexibility and plasticity
by Holger Gohlke, Dept. of Biological Sciences, J. W. Goethe University, Frankfurt, GermanyProtein flexibility is important for a wide range of biological phenomena, such as enzymatic reaction and control. In the case of protein-protein or protein-ligand complex formation, flexibility of the binding partners provides the origin for their plasticity, enabling them to conformationally adapt to each other. Equally important as flexibility per se are changes in the flexibility upon complex formation. Thus, analyzing flexibility and modeling plasticity of macromolecules without having to do expensive calculations is of great importance. Here, flexibility concepts grounded in rigidity theory [1] are applied and further developed to investigate flexibility changes upon macromolecular association and to model conformational variability in macromolecules. Initially, for validation purposes, the influence of protein-protein complex formation between H-Ras and the Ras-binding domain of C-Raf1 on the intrinsic flexibility of both binding partners has been investigated using molecular dynamics simulations and a network analysis based on graph theory [1]. Encouragingly, convincing agreement is found, although the computational time requirement of the network analysis is several orders of magnitude smaller than for the simulations [2]. Second, we present a method for rapidly estimating vibrational entropy changes upon macromolecular complex formation using results from the network analysis. Changes in the (internal) degrees of freedom of binding partners provide an entropic contribution that needs to be taken into account when calculating binding affinities. Currently, normal mode analysis (NMA) is considered to be the ¿gold standard¿ to estimate these changes. However, NMA is computationally expensive even for macromolecules of about 5000 atoms. Convincingly, for a data set of 10 protein-protein complexes with widely varying properties, total vibrational entropy changes as determined by our method correlate well (r2 = 0.84) with those obtained from NMA, despite only a fraction of computational time required. Third, we introduce a two-step approach for modeling macromolecular plasticity. In the first step, the flexibility of the macromolecule is investigated by a network analysis. Subsequently, applying a block normal mode analysis, internal motions of flexible regions are modeled using collective variables, whereas only translational and rotational motions are allowed for rigid regions (¿blocks¿). Our method was applied to a set of protein structures for which conformational changes upon binding have been observed. Predicted motions agree well with those found in experiment, both in terms of direction and (relative) magnitude of the motion. Finally, an approach for fully-flexible protein-ligand docking will be presented that is based on an elastic grid representation of interaction fields inside the binding pocket of potential drug targets.
[1] Jacobs DJ, Rader AJ, Kuhn LA, Thorpe MF. Protein flexibility predictions using graph theory. Proteins 2002;44:150-165.
[2] Gohlke, H, Kuhn, LA, Case, DA. Change in protein flexibility upon complex formation: Analysis of Ras-Raf using molecular dynamics and a molecular framework approach. Proteins 2004;56:322-337.
[3] Ahmed, A, Gohlke, H. Multi-scale modeling of macromolecular conformational changes combining concepts from rigidity and elastic network theory. Proteins 2006, in press.
Analysis of the Four-Point Scheme
by Ulrich Reif, Darmstadt University of Technology, GermanyThe four-point scheme is the simplest subdivision scheme for curves which is non-trivial in the sense that it is not derived from uniform B-splines. In it generalized form, it involves a tension parameter w by which the shape of the generated limit curves can be controlled. In this talk, we present a solution to the notorious problem how to characterize the set of all such parameters for which the generated limit curves are C^1.
References from the talks as well as the presentation materials will be available here (upon speakers approval).
goals | schedule | references | previous years |