CAP 5510 (Bioinformatics)

Instructor: Tamer Kahveci
Email: tkahveci AT ufl DOT edu
Location: Little Hall, LIT0113
Time: Monday/Wednesday/Friday (10:40 - 11:30 AM)
Office hour: Monday/Friday 11:50 AM - 12:40 PM
Contact: Malachowsky Hall 5400C (office), Email above
TA: Jingzhou Hu (jingzhouhu @ ufl)


This course will discuss the major components of bioinformatics data (such as DNA and protein sequences and protein structures) and how computer technology is used to understand this data better.



I will assume that you have already taken data structures and algorithms courses and you are comfortable with basic computer programming (e.g., with C or Java).


I am planning to cover the following topics.


Grading will be based on homeworks and quizzes (50 %), project (50 %). I will reward high quality projects with up to 2.5 % bonus points.

Text book:

I will teach this course from multiple books and some research papers. Therefore, I do not require any textbook. For interested students, I recommend the following books as resources:


Tamer Kahveci