Meera Sitharam

Meera Sitharam Meera Sitharam

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Program Committees & Professional Service

Check out my 2018 book Handbook of Geometric Constraint Systems Principles

I am co-organizing these Fields Institute Focus Program Summer 2023 and Institute for Computational and Experimental Research in Mathematics (ICERM)Spring 2025 and Fields Institute Thematic Program from Jan - Jun 2021 .

It takes all my worktime to blow my trumpet (funny video)
Erdos number = 3(via multiple paths starting with the following coauthors with Erdos number 2: Per Enflo, Alfred Cavaretta, Miklos Bona, Andrew Vince, Soren Riis)

I work "For an Organization of Intellectual Workers"

Geoplexity Group

Research Video

Geocomplexity Group
   Artwork by Menghan Wang