Decoupling and Reforming Tag and Data Arrays for High-Performance Memory Hierarchy Systems
Sponsor: NSF CAREER Program
We investigate issues in memory hierarchy design and propose solutions
to bridge the increasing performance gap between the processor and
memory. First, we observe that the time needed to perform cache tag
access/comparison and that needed to access cache data are not
equal. This path imbalance can be exploited to achieve a more
performance optimal cache design. The basic idea is to use an additional
tag array to record the status and location of the recently used lines
in the cache data array. By recording the cache line locations in this
subset of the tag array, the data access is decoupled from the
tag access/comparison path for a shorter overall cache access time.
Second, in a multiprocessor system, cache coherence activities incur
extra traffic to the heavily-loaded snooping bus and impose additional
latency in accessing the data. By observing that references
to the same memory location are often ordered at the software level,
frequently rendering cache coherence activities are unnecessary
and can be deferred until at the proper synchronization point.
Published Papers:
J-K. Peir, W. W. Hsu, H. Young, and S. Ong,
Improving Cache Performance with Balanced Tag and Data Paths,
Proc. 7th Int'l Conference on Architectural Support for Programming
Languages and Operating Systems, Cambridge, MA, Oct. 1996, pp. 268-278.
J-K. Peir, W. W. Hsu, H. Young, and S. Ong,
Fast Cache Access with Full-Map Block Directory,
Proc. IEEE Int'l Conf. on Computer Designs, Austin, TX, Oct. 1997,
pp. 578-586.
B-K. Chung and J-K. Peir,
LRU-Based Column-Associative Caches,
J-K. Peir, Y. Lee, and W. W. Hsu,
Capturing Dynamic Memory Reference Behavior with
Adaptive Cache Topology,
Proc. 8th Int'l Conference on Architectural Support for Programming
Languages and Operating Systems, San Jose, CA, Oct. 1998, pp. 240-251.
J-K. Peir, W. W. Hsu, and A. J. Smith
Functional Implementation Techniques for
CPU Cache Memories,
IEEE Transactions on Computers, Vol. 48(2), Feb. 1999.
J-K. Peir, W. W. Hsu, H. Young, and S. Ong
Improving Cache Performance with Full-Map Block Directory,
Journal of System Architecture, 2000.