University of Florida
 Faculty Information
University of Florida
Computer and Information Science and Engineering
Jih-Kwon Peir
Associate Professor

Mailing Address: 301 CSE, P.O. Box 116120
Department of CISE
University of Florida
Gainesville, FL 32611
Office Location: E338 CSE
Office Phone: (352) 505-1573
Departmental FAX: (352) 392-1220


Dr. Peir received the Ph.D. degree in computer science from University of Illinois in 1986. He joined IBM T. J. Watson Research Center and served as a Research Staff Member during 1986-1992. At IBM, he participated in the design and development of high-performance mainframe computers.  He received an IBM Invention Achievement Award and filed several patents in cache memories. During 1992-94, Dr. Peir joined the Computer and Communication Lab in Taiwan as a Deputy Director of the Computer System Division, where he was in charge of the development of an Intel Pentium-based, symmetric multiprocessor system. He is currently an Associate Processor at Computer and Information Science and Engineering Department, University of Florida. Dr. Peir spent a sabbatical year and several summers as a visiting professor at Intel’s Microprocessor Research Lab in Portland, Oregon and at IBM’s Almaden Research Center in San Jose, California.

 With extensive industrial background, Dr. Peir's major research and teaching focus is on the high-performance computer system architectures, microarchitectures and their memory hierarchy designs. He also engages in researches of high-performance chip-multiprocessors, graphics processors and network router architectures. He has published over 90 papers in international journals and conferences, and received two best paper awards. Dr. Peir received an NSF Career Award and an IBM Research Partnership Award. He also received an outstanding Alumni Award from the College of Engineering, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. Dr. Peir served on the Editorial Board of IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems. He also served as a subject area editor for the Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing.

 Current and Recent Teaching Courses
Semester  Number  Title
Spring 2012  CIS6930 GPU Architecture and Programming
Fall 2015  CDA3101  Introduction to Computer Organiztion
Fall 2016  CDA5155 Computer Architecture Principles
 Research Projects and Publications


 Selected Publications
  • Small Cache Lookaside Table for Fast DRAM Cache Access”, X. Tao, Q. Zeng, J-K. Peir, and S. Lu, 35th IEEE Int'l Performance Computing and Communication Conf. (IPCCC). Dec. 2016.
  • Auther Retrospective: Bloom Filtering Cache Misses for Accurate Data Speculation and Prefetching”, Jih-Kwon Peir, S. Lai, S. Lu, J. Stark, and K. Lai, 25 years of ACM Int'l Conf. on Supercomputing (ICS), Dec. 2014.
  • Guided Multiple Hashing: Achieving Perfect Balance with Fast Lookup”, X. Tao, Y. Qiao, J-K. Peir, S. Chen, Z. Huang, and S. Liu, 21st IEEE Int'l Conf. on Network Protocols (ICNP), Oct. 2013.
  • Guided Region-Based GPU Scheduling: Utilizing Multi-thread Parallelism to Hide Memory Latency”, Jianmin Chen, Xi Tao, Zhen Yang, Jih-Kwon Peir, Xiaoyuan Li, Shih-Lien Lu, 27th IEEE Int'l Parallel & Distributed Processing Symp. (IPDPS),  May 2013.
  • “Miss-Correlation Folding: Encoding Per-Block Miss Correlations in Compressed DRAM for Data Prefetching”, G. Liu, J-K. Peir, V. Lee, 26th IEEE Int'l Parallel & Distributed Processing Symp. (IPDPS), May 2012.
  • “Tree Structured Analysis on GPU Power Study”, J. Chen, B. Li, Y. Zhang, L. Peng, J-K. Peir, Int'l Conf. on Computer Design (ICCD), Oct. 2011.
  • "Fit a Compact Spread Estimator in Small High-Speed Memory", M. Yoon, T. Li, S. Chen, J-K. Peir, IEEE/ACM Trans. on Networking, Oct. 2011.
  • “Approximately-Perfect Hashing: Improving Network Throughput through Efficient Off-chip Routing Table Lookup”, Z. Huang, J-K. Peir, S. Chen, 30th IEEE Int’l Conf. on Computer Communications, (INFOCOM), May 2011.
  • “Fast Routing Table Lookup Based on Deterministic Multi-hashing,” Z. Huang, D. Lin, S. Chen, J-K. Peir, S. IftekharulAlam, 18th IEEE Int’l Conf. on Network Protocols (ICNP), Oct. 2010.
  • “Weak Execution Ordering - Exploiting Iterative Methods on Many-Core GPUs,” J. Chen, Z. Zuang, J.-K Peir, J. Chen, Z, Huang, F. Su, J-K. Peir, J. Ho, IEEE Int’l Symp. on Performance Analysis of Systems and Software (ISPASS), March 2010.
  • "Modeling and Stack Simulation of CMP Caches," X. Shi, F. Su, J-K. Peir, Y. Xia, Z. Yang,  IEEE Trans. on Parallel and Distributed Systems, Dec., 2009.
  • "Fitting a Spread Estimator in a Small Memory," M.K. Yoon, T. Li, S. Chen, J-K. Peir,  The 28th Conference on Computer Communications, (INFOCOM), April 2009.
  • “Accessibility vs. Capacity: Modeling and Single-Pass Stack Simulation on CMP Caches,” X. Shi,, F. Su, J-K. Peir, Y. Xia, Z. Yang, 2007 IEEE Int'l Symp. on Performance Analysis of Systems and Software (ISPASS), April 2007.
  • “Overlapping Dependent Loads with Addressless Preload,”  Z. Yang, X Shi, F Su, J-K. Peir, The IEEE/ACM 15th Int'l Conf. on Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques (PACT), Sep. 2006.
  • "Coterminous Locality and Coterminous Group Data Prefetching on Chip-Multiprocessors," X. Shi, Z. Yang, J-K. Peir, L. Peng, Y. Chen, V. Lee, and B. Liang, 20th IEEE Int'l Parallel & Distributed Processing Symp. (IPDPS), April 2006.
  • "Signature Buffer: Bridging Performance Gap between Registers and Caches," L. Peng, J-K. Peir, and K. Lai, 10th Int'l Symp. on High Performance Computer Architecture (HPCA), Feb. 2004, pp. 164-175.
  • "Address-Free Memory Access Based on Program Syntax Correlation of Loads and Stores," L. Peng, J-K. Peir, Q. Ma, and K. Lai, IEEE Transactions on VLSI Systems, Vol. 11(3), June 2003, pp. 314-324.
  • "Bloom Filtering Cache Miss for Accurate Data Speculation and Prefetching," J-K. Peir, S. Lai, S. LU, J. Stark, and K. Lai, 2002 Int'l Conf. on Supercomputing (ICS), June 2002, pp. 189-198.
  • "Direct Load: Dependence-Linked Dataflow Resolution of Load Address and Cache Coordinate," B. Chung, J. Zhang, J-K. Peir, S. Lai, K. Lai, 34th Int'l Symp. on Microarchitecture (MICRO), Dec. 2001, pp. 76-87.
  • "Symbolic Cache: Fast Memory Access Based on Program Syntax Correlation of Loads and Stores," Q. Ma, J-K. Peir, L. Peng, and K. Lai, 2001 Int'l Conf. on Computer Design (ICCD), Sep. 2001, pp. 54-61.
  • "Functional Implementation Techniques for CPU Cache Memories," J-K. Peir, W. Hsu, and A. Smith, IEEE Transactions on Computers, Special Issue on Cache Memory and Related Problems, Vol. 48(2), Feb. 1999, pp. 100-110. 
  • "Capturing Dynamic Memory Reference Behavior with Adaptive Cache Topology," J-K. Peir, Y. Lee, and W. Hsu, 8th Int'l Conf. on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS), Oct. 1998, pp. 240-250.
 Professional Awards and Honors
  • CAREER Award, National Science Fundation, 1996
  • IBM Faculty Research Development Partnership Award, 1995
  • Two Best Paper Awards, IEEE Int'l Conf. on Computer Design, 1990, 2001
  • IBM Invention Achievement Award, 1992
  • Associate Editors IEEE Trans. on Parallel and Distributed Systems, and Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing