CISE Senior Project - Seven Steps to Success
You will be required to choose a project, determine an advisor and produce a project plan.
After you have registered for the course, the milestones for the remainder of the semester are:
Step 1: Attend Meeting 1 (Usually in the second week of the semester - check top-level Web page for details):
There will be a posted announcement at the beginning of each term when CIS 4914 is offered, specifying the organizational meeting for all Seniors who plan to graduate. Seniors are contacted through CIS 4914 class pre-registration and registration forms, through the message-of-the-day on the CISE computer network, and through hardcopy notices posted throughout the third floor of the CISE building.
Step 2: Deliver Project Plan to Advisor and Supervisor
By the time you register for CIS4914, you will have chosen an advisor and project. You must now specify a project plan of what is to be done. This plan must be created as an ASCII text document (not MS-Word or other word processor format), and delivered by e-mail to the advisor and supervisor no later than the First Meeting of CIS4914 in the given semester. If you have not done this already, please do so NOW.
What to do: Please put SENIOR-PROJECT-PLAN on the email message header (SUBJECT slot) to make it easier for advisor and supervisor to sort through their many email messages without losing your project plan. Also place a hardcopy of the project plan under the supervisor's office door (CSE/E446), as backup in case email fails.
Step 3: Attend Meeting 2 (first third of the semester, time and place TBA)
Each student will spend 5 minutes overviewing the concept, planning, and initial work for his or her project. A link to the form for the viewgraphs (Power Point slides preferred) that are required for this presentation is posted on the main Web page for this class.
Step 4: Attend Presentation 1 (first third of the semester, time and place TBA)
Each student will spend 5 minutes overviewing the work done thus far, and work remaining to complete the project. A link to the form for the viewgraphs (Power Point slides only) that are required for this presentation is posted on the main Web page for this class.
Step 5: Attend Presentation 2 (second third of the semester, time and place TBA)
Each student will spend 10 minutes overviewing the work done thus far, the design of his or her project, and work remaining to complete the project. A link to the form for the viewgraphs (Power Point slides only) that are required for this presentation is posted on the main Web page for this class.
Step 6: Deliver Final Report to Advisor for Grading and Signature
An example of report organization will be posted on the course Web page. The front cover must have two lines where the advisor grades and signs the report. Without the advisor's signature, the report is not acceptable.
Deadline: Do this at least one week before your final presentation.
Step 7: Attend Final Presentation (last full week of the semester, time and place TBA)
Each student will spend 15 minutes overviewing the project, with detailed presentation of results. The advisor-graded final report and associated paperwork will be submitted to the course coordinator at this time. A link to the form for the viewgraphs (Power Point slides only) that are required for this presentation is posted on the main Web page for this class.
This will be done in a multimedia conference room, with all students wearing formal business attire. Students signed up for that presentation date must be present and attentive.
The copy of your final report that your advisor signed (see Step 5, above) must be given to the course supervisor immediately before the talk. Additionally, you must provide the course supervisor with (a) a hardcopy of your viewgraphs, as well as (b) one copy on diskette of your final report and viewgraphs (can be on same diskette). The course supervisor will attend and evaluate each talk. Your fellow students (and, possibly, the course supervisor) will ask you several questions about your work, which you are expected to answer in salient detail, but with appropriate brevity.