CEN3913 - Design 1 - Lecture 02 Outline

2.1: Object Oriented Design

When we consider the process of engineering design with respect to software implementation, we are mapping an abstract (e.g., logical) description of an entity and/or process to a physical description of an entity or process -- that is, we are transforming an imaginary solution into a real solution to a problem.

Here is a view of the aforementioned mapping process from a mathematical perspective, expressed in terms of a high level of abstraction:

Figure 2-1. High-level view (capture of whiteboard) of object-oriented design process.

This figure illustrates an example of object-oriented design in terms of an analog alarm clock, a software realization of which can be found at This Link.

2.2 Reading Assignment

Please read the following online article:

and the following excellent overview article by IBM:

and a brief practical article with numerous citations for further reading:

These webpages and publications will give you an idea of the basics of object-oriented design and software implementation. We will discuss this further in subsequent lectures.