The Project Planning Document is your first item of responsibility. It is an e-mail message composed of the following information:
DPS-3 (CIS 4930) PROJECT PLAN PROJECT: Title of Project STUDENT: Your Name SSN: Your Social Security Number DATE: Date you submit email to Advisor and Course Supervisor STATEMENT OF WORK: Describe what work is to be done during the semester. This can be from 1-3 paragraphs. DELIVERABLES: State what is to be delivered ---apart from the written report--- to the project advisor. Specify computer languages used and other relevant information.An example follows:
CIS 4930 PROJECT PLAN PROJECT: Animation of Multiple Surfers on Big Waves STUDENT: John Johnson UFID: 1234-5678 DATE: 1 September 2003 STATEMENT OF WORK: Task 1. Determine requirements of surfing movie and animation generation. Conduct literature survey to determine type and extent of previous work. Determine test platform for three-dimensional model implementation. Determine ocean simulation model and resultant model constraints. Select two or three models from the literature. Task 2. Implement ocean surfer model in animation software. Adapt two or three ocean simulation models and surfer motion models from the literature, so they are syntactically and semantically compatible with the XIBS-V image animation software. Implement the models in the XIB programming language, where possible, with C or C++ language extensions as required. Test and debug code, reporting any XIB bugs to the manufacturer. Task 3. Test ocean surfer animation for appearance and performance. Generate a small database of test animations (10-15) from the ocean surfer simulation from Task 2. Additionally, develop several calibration sequences based on actual surfing movie excerpts, which can be used to objectively test the surfing simulation performance. Evaluate the results of these animations against real images using the SurferTest viewing and scoring procedure provided by the project Advisor. Marshall test data and summarize test results in writing. Task 4. Document results in final report. DELIVERABLES: Project deliverables will consist of: 1. Theory, algorithms, and supporting literature citations, to be summarized or enumerated in the Final Report. 2. Software, source code written in the XIB-3 programming language (Version 3.1.2, Defective Software, Inc.), as well as add-on modules written in ANSI-C or Microsoft Visual C++, Version n.n.n. Software will be designed to run on a Pentium-22 PC with at least 28MB of memory and 4MB of available disk space, under the Microsoft Visual C++ environment. 3. Flash or AVI files containing surfer movie sequences, with a DVD containing all simulated and realistic surfer movies employed or generated in this project. 3. Final Report, in hardcopy form, to be written in Microsoft Word compatible electronic format.The preceding example is adequate for a simple project, and represents a length that should not be exceeded for a more elaborate project.