DPS-3 Project - Format of Midterm Presentation #2

The second midterm presentation for DPS-3 will be given in front of a group of your peers, with the Course Coordinator (and, possibly, your Project Advisor) attending. The purpose of this presentation is to get you accustomed to presenting your work confidently, in a relatively short time (e.g., 10 minutes).

This presentation has five to seven PowerPoint slides or viewgraphs. You have a total of ten minutes for this presentation. You must use Microsoft PowerPoint (electronic format) for use with the video projector. Please bring a hardcopy of your viewgraphs for the Course Coordinator.

The required slides for the midterm oral presentation are listed as follows:

  1. Cover Overhead. (all items centered): Title (large font), Name (smaller font), CIS 4930 DPS-3 Project (smaller font), Date of Talk (smaller font).

  2. Summary. There are three parts to this slide. Use only one overhead.

      Motivation: Why was this work necessary? What motivated you to do it?

      Problem: What is the exact problem to be addressed?

      Solution: What solution do you provide?

  3. Literature Search. Include information resources that you used, with several bibliographic citations.

  4. Work Performed. Outline the work you performed to date. Specify any software tools or creative works that you produced or used thus far.

  5. Work to Complete. What needs to be done to complete this semester's part of your project? What problems do you foresee?

In addition to these five slides, you may show up to two more slides, which include (a) an outline or flowchart of your project design (e.g., a storyboard), and (b) examples of preliminary results, if you are that far along. This helps to establish the validity of your work in practice, and provides some material for questions after your presentation.

Sun Aug 24 19:00:27 EDT 2003