Mark S. Schmalz
Address: Department of Computer & Information Science & Engineering
University of Florida
P.O. Box 116120
Gainesville, FL 32611-6120
Phn: 352-392-1200
I am an emeritus faculty member, retired from University of Florida's Department of CISE.
My research interests are in Massively Parallel Computing, AI-based Processing and Understanding of Imagery and Natural Language, Data Compression, and Cryptology. I was also affiliated with UF's Digital Arts and Sciences program, with research interests in Psychoacoustics and Computer-Generated Music. I have authored or co-authored over 170 book chapters or research papers in open conference proceedings and journals, have edited 15 books, and am currently authoring or co-authoring two books.
Personal interests include hiking, swimming, surfing, photography, music, and botany (e.g., images this page).
Due to retirement, Dr. Schmalz no longer has open grader, TA, RA, or postdoc positions.
Courses Taught
- Data Compression: A Computational Perspective
This link contains schedules, course notes, and exercises, with reference information, for a graduate course in data compression.
- Computational Problems in Geographic Information Systems (CIS 6905)
This link contains schedules, course notes, and exercises, with reference information.
- Cryptology-I (CIS 6930) and
Graduate Colloquium in Cryptanalysis (Seminar series)
This passworded link contains schedules, course notes, and exercises.
Do not attempt to access this link if you are not participating in the class.
- DAS Senior Project 1,2 (CIS 4914)
This link contains the course outline and procedural information.
- Senior Project (CIS 4914 residential/online or CEN 4914 residential)
This link contains the course outline and procedural information.
- Design I (for CpE Majors) (CEN 3913)
This link contains the course outline and procedural information.
- Data Structures and Algorithms (COP 3530)
This link contains course notes and assignments.
- Survey of Operating Systems (with UNIX) (COP 3610)
This link contains course notes and assignments.
- Computer Programming in Pascal (CGS 3462 -- no longer offered)
This link contains course notes and assignments.
- Organization of Computer Systems (CDA 3101)
This link contains course notes and assignments.
- Applied Discrete Structures (COT 3100)
This link contains course notes and assignments.
- Computer Programming Using JAVA (COP 2800)
This link contains course notes and assignments.
- Problem Solving Using Computer Software (CGS 2531)
This link contains course notes and assignments.
- Introduction to Computers for Architecture Majors (CGS 2470)
This link contains course notes and assignments.
Courses under Development for Possible Summer 2023 Deployment
Interface Pages
This document is Copyright © 1996-2022 by Mark S. Schmalz
All rights to material in this and subordinate pages are reserved, except for (a) viewing or printing by UF faculty or students registered for a class referenced on these pages, or (b) prior copyright agreements.