COP-4620/COP-5625 - PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE TRANSLATORS Fall 2005 Instructor: Dr. Manuel E. Bermudez Schedule: M,W,F: 6 Office: E362 CSE Phone: 392-1534 (desk) Office Hours: M,W,F: 5. Text: Class Notes, available in the University Copy Center. Reference: Compilers: Principles, Techniques and Tools, by Aho, Sethi, and Ullman, Addison-Wesley, 1986. (this is a comprehensive reference). Compiler Construction, Kenneth Louden, PWS Publishers. (This the book that closest resemebles my approach). COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course will cover the theory and practice of compiler- writing. Topics included are: language theory, finite-state machines, lexical analysis, parsing, syntax-directed translation, contextual constraint management, and code generation. The class discussions will parallel the project, in which students will extend (significantly) the implementation of a compiler for a subset of C. PREREQUISITES: COP-3530 Data and Program Structures. Further, you should be a proficient programmer, capable of implementing sophisticated data structures modularly, quickly and efficiently. Familiarity with several high-level programming languages, and with the UNIX operating system, helps. ATTENDANCE: Strongly recommended: class discussions will describe the the major components of the compiler you will extend; they will also cover the class project. Attendance is also mandatory for all tests. GRADING: Homeworks 10% Averages: A 90-100 Project (5 or 6 reports) 40% B+ 86-89 Midterm (TBA) 25% B 80-85 Final 25% C+ 76-79 C 70-75 D+ 66-69 D 60-65 E 0-59 ACCOUNT ACCESS: Students will use the CIS Department computing facilities, specifically the Sun Workstations. Because of the software tools we will use, code is to be written in C. DISHONESTY: Incidents of students copying the work of other students will not be tolerated and will be referred to the Student Honor Court.