JIMSwing: Java Implementation of a MIPS Simulator Using Swing
Author: Fred Williams
Advisor: Dr. Michael Frank

Project Summary

	JIMSwing is an extension of the JIMS project originated by Steve Lewis.
	JIMS was designed as a MIPS simulator with support for reversible execution.

	The purpose of this project is to provide a more complete user interface
	to Steve's assembler/simulator, and to extend the assembler/simulator so
	that it provides an informative debugging environment for CIS students who
	are new to MIPS assembly programming.

Software Downloads

	JIMSwing Release 1
	Application archive contents
	Sun Microsystem's Java 2 Runtime Environment v1.3 - Necessary to run JIMSwing

Project Source Code

	Browse source code and documentation
	Download source code and documentation as .ZIP
	Source code archive contents

Continuation and Expansion Ideas

	- Add support for instructions and psuedoinstructions that are currently not

Project Links

	Steve Lewis' JIMS Project
	University of Florida's Reversible Computing Group
	Dr. Michael Frank's homepage - head of UF's RevComp group