2003/11/04: Midterm scores. Maximum 86, minimum 46, median 73, mean 71.4, standard deviation 9.75. Histogram is also available.
2003/10/30: Homework #4 (due November 11):. 15.1, 16.1 and 16.6. Note that 16.6 is a programming exercise. If you try a more difficult set of straight lines, you'll get more credit.
2003/10/22: Solutions to Homeworks 2 and 3: Solutions are here and here.
2003/10/09: MIDTERM LOCATION: The midterm will be held on Wednesday, October 22nd, from 6:15-10:15PM, in CSE E221.
2003/10/09: Homework #3 (due October 21). 7.2, 14.1, 14.2, 14.3. The FEEDS deadline is 2003/10/28.
2003/10/09: Homework #1 Solutions. Here are the solutions.
2003/10/07: HOMEWORK ERROR FIXED. NEW DEADLINE 10/08/2003.
2003/10/07: Sample code for levelset project: Here's the sample matlab code for the levelset project along with
image 1 and image
2 for testing. This is in lieu of missing a makeup lecture on 10/02/03.
2003/09/25: Calculus of variations. Very nice tutorial
on the calculus of variations. Also, see Feynman's lectures in physics,
volume 2, under "A special lecture, almost verbatim."
2003/09/25: Previous midterm 1 and
midterm 2 from Fall 2001.
2003/09/25: Optical illusions. Please spend some time on the Optical Illusions
website. We covered this as part of introductory material.
2003/09/25: MAKEUP LECTURES. There will be a makeup lecture
taped from 3-3:50PM, Thursday, Oct. 2nd, 2003. I will be out of town the
week of October 12th.
2003/09/25: MIDTERM ANNOUNCEMENT. The midterm will be held
from 6-10PM on Wednesday, October 22nd, 2003. Room TBA.
2003/09/24: Homework #2 (due
2003/10/07) is here. The FEEDS deadline
is 2003/10/14.
2003/09/04: Homework #1 (due
2003/09/18). Problems 1.5, 2.3, 2.7, 2.8, 2.15. The FEEDS deadline
is 2003/09/25.